
Eine tolle Aufführung gab es zum Abschluss der Englischsprachwoche der 4. Klassen.
Dafür wurden von den Schüler/innen mit ihren native Speakers tolle Sketche vorbereitet und der ganzen Schule gezeigt.

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Matea (4a):

The English week was awesome and very interesting. I learned a lot and I think I improved my English. The teachers were very nice and friendly. I liked them. We played a lot of games and learned much about food in the UK.

On the last day I was sad because it was so funny to speak just English. I am happy to know that I can talk to people who don't know German.


Leonie (4a):

The English week was fantastic. We had many funny moments. We spoke a lot of English while we played games or did worksheets. The teachers were very friendly but sometimes they had to tell us to speak a little bit more qietly. At the end of the week on Friday we made a little show about Halloween. We learned a lot of new words. And my English is much better than before.


Florian R. (4b):

The English week was very interesting and we learned a lot. On the first day we built a tower of spaghetti and marshmellows and played a lot of other games. We learned a lot of different things, for example grammar or writing an article about the news and we were also talking about food. The teachers, a man and a woman, were very friendly. We improved our English and learned much more. On the last day we made a show and that was very funny.


Pascal (4b):

The week was great. Elspeth and Justin were good teachers.I liked the week with "English in Action" a lot. We did challenges and built a tower of spaghetti. At the end of the week we had a theater performance. We learned more about England and Scotland. Now my English is better because I often spoke English during that week.


Niklas (4a):

I think the week was funny and great. I learned so much in that week. We played games and learned new words and sentences. The teachers were nice but also strict. I learned how I could talk to other people. I really improved my English. At the end of the week we made a presentation about a Halloween night with killerclowns and Frankenstein and many other kids. The week was great.


Özgen (4a):

The week with Elspeth and Justin was very powerful and funny. We played games, wrote texts and performed a show. The teachers were very friendly. At the end of the week we played a show about Halloween. All the teachers and children at the school were watching us! We learned to speak better English. In that week I think I improved my English.


Sanna (4a):

The week was very funny. I liked to speak English all the time. We played a lot of games and made crazy challenges. The teachers were friendly and nice. At the end of the week we made a show. I learned a lot of new words and much about England. I improved my English.


Noah (4b):

The English week was very interesting. I think the theatre was the best. We learned very much. Our English was better at the end of the week. Our teachers were Elspeth and Justin. They are from London. They only speak English.


Hanni (4b):

I think we all had a really good time, we learned a lot but we also played funny games. At the end of the week, on Friday, we had a show! Our teachers were nice and we learned a lot of interesting things. Now, after this week, I know a lot of new words!


Jana (4b):

It was the best week in this year. It was so funny and we learned so much. I liked the things we did, for example challenges, writing stories and practicing on our own theatre. At the end of the week we had a really cool show. Elspeth and Justin were great teachers. Now I speak a little bit better English than before these days.


Nicolas (4b):

The English week was nice and exciting. We learned a lot of new words and grammar. We also played a theatre which was very funny. The teachers were kind but we had to do a lot of exercises. I learned many new words.


Niklas G. (4b):

The week was great and my class and I had a lot of fun. The two teachers were really nice. We played a lot of games. But sometimes it was also boring. The teachers taught us a lot. My English is a little bit better now.

In der letzten Schulwoche tut sich immer sehr viel in der NMS Buchkirchen.

  • Am Montag war ein Klimaschutztag, bei dem verschiedenste Workshops zum Bereich Klima und Klimaschutz besucht werden konnten.
  • Am Dienstag war der traditionelle Sporttag mit Dreikampf, Fußballturnier, Völkerballturnier und Faustballfinale.
  • Und am Mittwoch Vormittag fand ein Spieletag mit verschiedensten Bewerben statt.
  • Die Abschlussfeier der 4. Klassen und das Schulfest des Elternvereins war ebenfalls am Mittwoch im VZ
  • Donnerstag ist Gottesdienst und dem Zusammenräumen gewidmet, auch die Schulbesten und die Turniersieger werden geehrt.
  • Und am Freitag haben sich alle dann das Zeugnis und den Abschied in die Ferien verdient!

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Zu Besuch bei der Feuerwehr Ried war die 1b-Klasse am 27.6.2017. Die Schüler/ínnen wurden bereits mit Feuerwehrautos vom Bahnhof abgeholt und bekamen dann eine höchst interessante Führung.
Zum Abschluss und Höhepunkt durfte ein Rundblick von der 30 Meter hohen Drehleiter gewagt werden. Und weil es so heiß war, mussten manche sogar mit dem Wasserwerfer gekühlt werden.


Am 21.6. wurden die Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner beim Raiba-Zeichenwettbewerb geehrt:

Mittelschule Buchkirchen